
Never ending scrolling content example

This is great for any page that could contain potentially an large to infinite amount of data. When a user scrolls to the bottom of the page, in the background a javascript-server connection will feed more data to the page.

User facing page

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Scroll Forever</title>
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 10px;
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 10px;
background-color: green;
marquee-style: slide;
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
index = 0; //The current position of the index
perPage = 40 - 1; //The count per page, we minus one because arrays start at zero.
contentSelector = "#content"; //The CSS selector for the content block
postSelector = ".bump"; //The CSS selector for each post
loadingSelector = ".loading"; //The CSS selector for the loading block
handle = "handle.php"; //The php file to get the JSON data from

function loadData(i,p,clear){
$(loadingSelector).show(); //Show the loading screen
a = typeof(clear) != 'undefined' ? clear : false; //Set to clear the page as false as the default.
$.getJSON(handle, //jQuery function to get JSON data.
"index": i, //The index
"max": p, //The maximum posts per load
function(data){ //Take the JSON data
var html = "";
var postId = 0;
while(postId < data.length){
html += "<div class='bump'>" + data[postId] + "</div>"; //Do something with it
if(clear == true){
html += "<div class='loading'>Loading...</div>";
index = index + perPage; //Advance the index to match the new data.
} else {
index = index + perPage; //Advance the index to match the new data.


loadData(index,perPage); //Initially load the data

var w = $(window); //Saving the context to a shorthand variable.
w.scroll(function(){ //When we scroll
if(w.scrollTop() + w.height() == $(document).height()){ //Check if the position is the bottom of the page
loadData(index,perPage); // If so, then we will load more data.
<body>The idea of this demo is to be able to continuously scroll through data.

For the demo, the javascript will grab new JSON data from a php file that just gives a larger and larger number.

<div id="content">

Back end (save as handle.php)

Handle.php - Part of the Continueous Scroll demo.
Spits a continueously larger and larger number in an array.

if(isset($_REQUEST['index']) && isset($_REQUEST['max'])){
$start = $_REQUEST['index'];
$max = $_REQUEST['max'];
$i = 0;
$data = array();
while( $i <= $max ){
$data[$i] = $i + $start; //Heres a random note. I found that if you don't know how much you're expecting to get, it's eaiser to just start the array at zero. You can put a unique ID within a sub level array.
} else {
$data = array(
"Error" => "Please post with the index and max argument",
echo json_encode($data);

One idea for a modification, is to begin loading when the user is scrolled halfway through the newly loaded content. This way even newer content is loaded before the user even sees the end.

- Vi